Sunday, March 23, 2008

Here GG even tries to "boogey" to the music

New Book!

This is a Baby Einstine Book. It plays classical and opera
music. GG loves it!

Without any coaxing, the ears went first!

The Easter bunny also brought some new shoes!


Here's GG and Grandma with GG's Easter Basket.

She was excited!

She found the chocolate bunnies!

And the new Easter bunny.

GG and the new toy

We got GG a new toy--seen on the right. She
would rather have the balls in the tub. She
loved kicking them around!

Easter 2008

GG's dark side comes out occasionally.

Friday, March 21, 2008

GG and Grandy

We got to take GG to see her Great Grandy last weekend.
GG loved Grandy's shoes!

And she loves her GRANDY!